Arizona Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu State Championship 2008

Arizona Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu State Championship 2008Saturday, June 28th,2008Broadway Recreation Center in Mesa,AZ.

The Arizona Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu State Championship will take place in Mesa,AZ on June 28th. The event is promoted by the AZ State BJJ Federation (AZSBJJF) and gdjiujitsu events. The tournament is sponsored by OTM Fight Shop, MTX Audio, Rage N Glory, Custom T- Shirt WareHouse, Dirty Pretty, First National Mortgage Sources, Knockout Graphics, DPR Realty and Arizona Combat Sports.

Last year’s event, we had great competitors such as: Marcos Torregrossa, Alberto Crane, Jack McVicker,Steve Rosenberg, Jacob McClintock, Ulysses Gomes and other accomplished competitors.

Full info can be found at

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Gustavo Dantas