Bud Cup News

www.globalgrappling.com Monson may possibly give a clinic Free to all competitors after the first day free, like a question and awnser..

MMA Fighters Jeff Monson (Countless MMA and Grappling Titles) & Remco Parduel (from Holland UFC 2 and 7) have already displayed an interest in coming again. Jeff had won the Pro Divison 4X’s.

OTM will be there.. Gumby and Scotty!! They have been with us from the beginning. www.onthemat.com

The top Level of Jiu Jitsu and MMA competitors have competed in this Annual event that Dale Earhardt Jr. and I started 6 years ago.

The Dale Earhardt Jr. Grappling Classic.

This year we have some pretty tight plans…. Were excited!!

Joe Hurstwww.globalgrappling.comwww.budworldcup.comwww.graciebarra.comwww.grapplingclassic.com

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About the author

Joe Hurst