Felipe: Brazilian National CHAMPION 2007

Hello my friends! Ola meus amigos!

Im writting to thanks all of you for the support that made me reach, once again, the top level!

Escrevo para agradecer o apoio de todos que me ajudaram, mais uma vez, a tingir o topo!

this weekend I got the gold in the BRAZILIAN NATIONAL in the rooster weight class.

Esse fim de semana fui CAMPEAO BRASILEIRO na categoria galo.

The fights were amazing! I will try to put them on line soon!

As lutas foram incriveis! Pretendo coloca-las on line em breve!

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Felipe Costa www.felipecosta.com 55(21) 9404-4567 Come check me out on MySpace at http://www.myspace.com/felipecosta

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About the author

Felipe Costa