#FootLockFriday: Unexpected 50-50 DANGER


 For more great articles, please keep coming back to this blog right here! To learn more specifically about leg locks on larger opponent, you can find Dan Faggella’s other instructional resources online at www.BJJLegLocks.com.


The Most Dangerous Leg Lock is the One They Don’t See Coming…!

So this week on Footlock Friday we’re going to be digging into one of the most dynamic and still misunderstood positions in the leg lock world – the 50-50 guard.

This position is most known for it’s sweeps and stalling in the gi – while in no-gi the inside heel hook is the real danger of the position itself. In the video below, we cover an effective achilles lock attack on the outside – rather than the inside leg. Let’s take a look below:

Confuse a Few Training Partners with This One:


This bounce-over achilles setup is one that I cover in good depth in this science of skill article from back in October:

Unexpected Leg Lock Setup from the 50-50 (October Article)  

Today, I wanted to dive into the elements that must be in place in order to get this setup to work properly. 

  1. Notice that before the bounce, I need to make sure my “bite” on that far achilles is close to perfect. This means his leg needs to be bent and I need my grip high on his achilles itself (not the calf), and high up into my chest as well. If I have both of these elements in place – I’m in a good spot.
  2. In order to bounce properly, not only do I need to throw my right shoulder (in this case) over to the mat, I need to literally bounce with my outside leg. With a bigger opponent this may need to be done explosively. Since we are in gi I don’t need to worry about the inside heel hook when working this attack.
  3. The finish is done not only through compression (my weight and arms scrunching the ankle), but through tension created by kicking / stomping off of his stomach and chest. It’s important to have this kind of “stepping point” to make this finish work the way it should.

Hit that one in training this weekend and let me know how it goes, I’m looking forward to being in touch!

To your footlock success,

-Daniel Faggella


For more great articles, please keep coming back to this blog right here! To learn more specifically about leg locks on larger opponent, you can find Dan Faggella’s other instructional resources online at www.BJJLegLocks.com.

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