OntheMat Archives!

You may have noticed we have been quietly (and not so quietly) been trying to improve OntheMat.com for you. We have recently upgrading the formating of our landing pages to show off the full archive of articles from OTM’s history dating back from 1997! We’ve also incorporated the articles from BJJ.org as well!


(Yes the technique database will be back up in a manner of days now, we hit an unexpected snag). You can check out a preview at www.onthemat.com/techniques.php, but be warned things are still very much under construction.

We love getting your feedback! Let us know what you think or what we need to improve by posting in the OTM Forum!


Don’t forget to check out our revamped school and belt databases as well! IF you haven’t updating your rank, please do so!


Be sure to visit out online shop as well, we’ve worked hard to make it your one stop place for all your training, viewing, and fashion needs! DVDs, gi, knee pads, MMA Gloves, shirts, hats, kids gear and lots lots more! We’ve got you covered!


Over the next weeks and months we’ll be implementing some new changes as well. Stay tuned, and keep checking OTM every day!

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